Last refreshed at: 03:09:20 AM EDT 05/19/2024
(link to inventories)
:flailing: [Griffin]
:omg: [Mattio]
:bear: [Jorg]
:stuck_out_tongue: [Saph]
:ariana_trenti: [Ryan]
:nonchalant_whistling: [Lyndis]
:surprised_pikachu: [Kaplan]
:angryhowdy: [Alex]
:wink: [Tristen]
:weary: [Arctic]
:caveman_spongebob: [Cato]
:jobbing: [Arrows]
:wig_snatched_launched_from_my_scalp: [Azalea]
:porg: [Ems]
:eat_my_bird_ass: [Greenbeads]
:bruh: [Lance]
:2187: [NPC]
:thirst: [NPC]
:sun_with_face: [NPC]
:upside_down_face: [NPC]
:smirk_cat: [NPC]
:tongue: [NPC]
:clown_face: [NPC]
:wheeze_rave: [NPC]

Day 1 (click to load)

Day 2 (click to load)

Day 3 (click to load)

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Day 5 (click to load)

Day 6 (click to load)

Day 7 (click to load)

Day 8 (click to load)


288: Damage correction: -12 added to :stuck_out_tongue: [Saph]. Notes: double healing :stuck_out_tongue: [Saph]'s total damage: 12

289: Damage correction: -7 added to :angryhowdy: [Alex]. Notes: double healing :angryhowdy: [Alex]'s total damage: 6.5

290: Damage correction: 0.5 added to :angryhowdy: [Alex]. Notes: Tom doesn't know how to double heal halves :angryhowdy: [Alex]'s total damage: 7

291: :angryhowdy: [Alex] attacked :stuck_out_tongue: [Saph] with KNIFE (2173) Attack was: SHALLOW CUT ON RIGHT HIP doing 3.5 damage in total. :stuck_out_tongue: [Saph]'s total damage: 15.5

292: :stuck_out_tongue: [Saph] attacked :angryhowdy: [Alex] with AXE (11181) Attack was: SEVERED RIGHT HAND AT WRIST doing 9 damage in total. :angryhowdy: [Alex]'s total damage: 16

293: :angryhowdy: [Alex] attacked :stuck_out_tongue: [Saph] with KNIFE (2163) Attack was: SHALLOW CUT ON CHEST doing 4 damage in total. :stuck_out_tongue: [Saph]'s total damage: 19.5

294: :stuck_out_tongue: [Saph] attacked :angryhowdy: [Alex] with AXE (11170) Attack was: SHALLOW CUT ON FOREHEAD doing 4.5 damage in total. :angryhowdy: [Alex]'s total damage: 20.5

295: :angryhowdy: [Alex] attacked :stuck_out_tongue: [Saph] with KNIFE (2177) Attack was: SHALLOW CUT ON LEFT BICEP doing 3.5 damage in total. :stuck_out_tongue: [Saph]'s total damage: 23

296: :stuck_out_tongue: [Saph] attacked :angryhowdy: [Alex] with AXE (11168) Attack was: SHALLOW CUT ON LEFT CALF doing 3.5 damage in total. :angryhowdy: [Alex]'s total damage: 24

297: :angryhowdy: [Alex] attacked :stuck_out_tongue: [Saph] with KNIFE (2071) Attack was: DEEP GASH ON RIGHT FOREARM doing 8 damage in total. :stuck_out_tongue: [Saph]'s total damage: 31

298: :stuck_out_tongue: [Saph] attacked :angryhowdy: [Alex] with AXE (11161) Attack was: DEEP GASH ON LEFT BICEP doing 8 damage in total. :angryhowdy: [Alex]'s total damage: 32

299: :angryhowdy: [Alex] attacked :stuck_out_tongue: [Saph] with KNIFE (2042) Attack was: MISS doing 0 damage in total. :stuck_out_tongue: [Saph]'s total damage: 31

300: :stuck_out_tongue: [Saph] attacked :angryhowdy: [Alex] with AXE (11195) Attack was: DEEP GASH ON LEFT FOREARM doing 9 damage in total. :angryhowdy: [Alex]'s total damage: 41
:angryhowdy: [Alex] has died!

Tributes' Damages
2f:stuck_out_tongue: [Saph]31

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