Brody O'Rourke

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Brody O'Rourke is the only child of McKenna and Nolan O'Rourke; he is a Corporal in the Peacekeeper Corps where he works in interrogations and a former Career. He's gained himself something of a reputation at the Detention Center as utterly ruthless when questioning his suspects; he generally doesn't advertise his job, knowing he's not too kindly looked upon for being willing to torture to get the answer he wants.

His application can be found here.

Brody Casey O'Rourke
FC: Cam Gigandet
District 2
Age 21
Profession Peacekeeper
Rank CPL
Parents Nolan O'Rourke (father)
McKenna O'Rourke (mother)
Siblings None
Weapons Sword and shield (Career training)
Rifle (Peacekeepers)
Pistol (Peacekeepers)
Baton and riot shield (Peacekeepers)

played by Artemis


Early Life

Brody Casey O'Rourke was born to Nolan and McKenna O'Rourke, their first and only child; being an only child, combined with his having been born in District 2, meant he was spoiled rotten the entirety of his life. And of course, never having to want for everything made his expectations incredibly high; what Brody wanted, Brody got. By and large the first few years of his life were uneventful, at least until he was old enough to begin training for the Hunger Games.

By the time Brody was 7, his head was full of ideas that volunteering for the Hunger Games was exciting and a great honor; he was determined to be a victor. Early on, he developed a proficiency for the Greek short sword and small buckler shields, his favorites even into adulthood; his father, Nolan, took a very hands-on approach to his son's training and instilled in him the family traditions of swordsmanship, grappling and hand-to-hand combat. Five years of training had Brody chomping at the bit ready to volunteer at the Reaping when he finally turned 12, but found himself drowned out and overshadowed by larger, older boys. He was smaller and younger, he would get his chance next year...

And the year after that, and the year after that...

Until Brody had turned 18 and had been passed over yet again. Brody couldn't comprehend how he could be rejected 6 years in a row, and his already powerful sense of competition grew steadily worse as he dwelled on the fact. It took until the end of the Hunger Games, when a boy from District 9 triumphed over the District 2 tribute. Though he was still furious at never getting a chance to be reaped, with a little encouragement from his parents Brody decided to join the Peacekeepers where he would get the respect he felt he deserved.

The Academy


Peacekeeper Corps



Brody participated in 2 events in the Olympics: Wrestling and Boxing.


Match Opponent Won/Lost
1 Scout Fray Won
2 Genesis Reese Won
3 Kiefer DeGraw Won
4 Tyrannus Rex Lost
Outcome: Silver Medal


Match Opponent Won/Lost
1 Nathaniel Graives Won
2 Haleon Gauge-Ellis Won
3 Lionel Boyse Lost
4 Kendrick Draper Won
Outcome: Bronze Medal