Storm Wie

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Storm Wie was the District 5 male tribute in the 57th Hunger Games. He was known for carrying his alliance member, Heron Kimberling, when she lost both of her legs.

Storm Wie
Storm Wie
Tribute in 57th Hunger Games
District 5
Age 18
Weapon Battle Axe
Training Score 7
Token Wooden bead bracelet
Alliance The Devil's Templar
Victims Themba Kilera
Winona Kirby
Killed By Heron Kimberling
Personal Info
Full Name Storm Maximilian Wie
Family Members Sundra Wie
Europa Wie
Io Wie

played by Dee



Storm Wie was the eldest of four children. As the oldest child and only son, he was expected to take over the family ranch when his parents became too old to take care of the animals. He also had the additional responsibility of raising his younger siblings as his parents spent much of their time working. Despite the added amount of work, Storm did his best to make sure his younger siblings were taken care of and to do well in school.

When Storm was 18, District 5 changed industries upon the discovery of oil. Storm saw the industry change as an opportunity to have a different future than taking over the family ranch. This confrontation led to a debate among the family on whether they should take the opportunity to move to District 10, the new ranching district, to maintain their family business, or stay in District 5 and try to maintain the ranch as long as possible. It was eventually decided that the family would stay in District 5.

The 57th Hunger Games

Prep for Games

-training sessions
-alliance with Heron and Ana


Storm got a [insert swear word] axe. And fled carrying Ana because she had a broken foot.

Day 2

-Fight with Team Snowin. Ana dies.
-Heron falls into lava and loses legs. Storm helps her and decides to stay with her.

Day 3

-Carried Heron to ashen forest.
-Has a fight with Katie and Themba? I don't remember this.

Day 4

Fights (and kills?) Winona while carrying Heron on his back. Go teamwork!

Day 5

He's carrying Heron to the Mushroom Pits. Then he gets hit by lightning...

Day 6

On Day 6, Storm was recovering from a lightning strike that occurred on the previous day. He took the lightning strike to be a sign from either fate or the Gamemakers that he was not meant to survive. Deciding that he would rather accept the circumstances and die in the arena, he asked Heron to kill him. When she refused and tried to persuade him to change his mind, he used his battle ax and attacked a mushroom close to Heron, hoping that the "miss" would provoke a reaction from Heron. While attempting another "miss" he swung at Heron and injured, causing Heron to attack with purpose. He was dealing heavy blows to Heron when Heron countered with a stab in the ear, effectively killing him.

His body is buried in District 5.