2nd Hunger Games

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These are the 2nd Hunger Games, and the 32nd on the site. They were the second "Retro Games" on the site (ie. games that took place before our original 54th).

1st Hunger Games
The map of the 1st Hunger Games arena.
Theme Abandoned Stadium
Victor TBD
Length TBD
Reaping date January 15th 2020
End date TBD
Gamemaker Aya



After the 1st Annual Hunger Games had concluded, and a victor - Adder Ames - had been crowned, the Capitol set to work on building an arena specifically for the Games. Reapings were no longer random but mandatory, organised events. The children in each district were assembled in front of the steps of the Justice Building, where the first public reapings took place. The Treaty of Treason was read aloud and the names of the tributes are read off of paper slips drawn from glass bowls. The short ceremony was performed by the district's Head Peacekeeper.

List of Tributes

This is a list of all the tributes that took part in the 2nd Hunger Games.

Place Name ID Owner Age Killer
1st Adder Ames 2f Aya 18 --
2nd Oliver Vos 9m Kaitlin 18 Adder Ames
3rd Elmo Latch 10m Cameron 18 Oliver Vos
4th Jack Imberline 8m Lyndis 13 Adder Ames
5th Uxue Izar 11f Zori 18 Elmo Latch
6th Malachi Le Roux 1m Griffin 18 Oliver Vos
7th Ambrose Pixel 3m Fireflyz 17 Oliver Vos
8th Anapos Jinx 4m Jorg 18 Oliver Vos
9th Audrey Manning 7f Zoë 12 Oliver Vos
10th Wesley Blume 12m Sidney 18 Oliver Vos
11th Scorpion Praxis 10f Kay 18 Uxue Izar
12th Alicia Sykes 4f Charade 18 Malachi Le Roux
13th Chastity Nightmare 1f Azaleah 15 Anapos Jinx
14th Dakota Lambert 9f Tristen 18 Alicia Sykes
15th Union Lot 11m Greenbeads 14 Dakota Lambert
16th Johannes Beaumont 6m Emsrocks 17 Uxue Izar
17th Yejide Jonquil 3f Shrimp 15 Adder Ames
18th Donatello Birch 7m Ryan 16 Dakota Lambert
19th Edison Grieve 5m Thundy 18 Alicia Sykes
20th Gaia Dais 6f Ali 15 Dakota Lambert
21st Maryam Volk 8f Goat 18 Alicia Sykes
22nd Lennon Greer 12f Dars 18 Donatello Birch
23rd Devon Mercier 5f Calla 16 Johannes Beaumont
24th Dmitri Kostas 2m Mattio 18 Adder Ames

Death due to inactivity / 24 hour rule / filler.


The 2nd Hunger Games took place in a colosseum built especially for the Games by the Capitol. A few elite Capitolites and 1st Victor Adder Ames sat in the stands, which were otherwise empty. Tributes were kept in cages until released into the arena. 24 gladiator swords were pierced into the ground.

The official arena description, written by Lalia, reads as follows:

The newly built colosseum hardly looks new at all. Constructed from reclaimed stone to give it a feeling of historic grandeur, rebel prisoners of war comprised the majority of the workforce, humiliating an already defeated populace. Teams of Capitol engineers and artists undertook more specialized tasks to ensure that the colosseum's vision was achieved — a structure that implies that the Games are not something new and controversial, but an ancient tradition resurrected.

From the tiered seating and presidential box far above to multiple levels of labyrinthine tunnels and dungeons below, the sunken arena is ringed by so much more than archways. This year the cushioned marble stands are occupied by peacekeepers in dress whites rather than riot gear, attending as spectators casually seated amongst a scattering of high ranking government officials. The familiar face of last year's Victor, Adder Ames, is unmistakable within the sea of uniforms. Everyone has taken a step back and expectation fills the air with faith in the tributes' will to live. This event no longer requires enforcement; it simply requires an audience.

The wooden floor of the arena is covered by the palest of sand. It quakes and shimmers as cage-like medieval holding cells rise up from underground and settle into place, tucked within the shadows of twenty-four evenly spaced archways. When the heavy iron gates imprisoning the tributes open, there is nothing more than a gladiatorial sword on the other side, its blade stuck into the ground — waiting for them. Both the swords and the spectators share an eagerness to witness this: The Second Annual Hunger Games.


The entirety of the 2nd took place in a bloodbath-style battle royale in the Coliseum. Tributes were given a gladiator sword pierced into the ground, plus the option of hand-to-hand combat if they wished. Rebel tributes were aided with in-character knowledge of battle, thus the additional ooc station rules of Self-Defense, Hand-to-Hand Combat and Blades were granted to said tributes.

