4th Hunger Games

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These are the 4th Hunger Games, and the 36th on the site. They were the fourth "Retro Games" on the site (i.e. games that took place before our original 54th).

4th Hunger Games
Image of the 4th Arena
The map of the 4th Hunger Games arena.
Theme Colosseum
Victor TBD
Length TBD
Reaping date September 5th, 2020
End date TBD
Gamemaker Lalia
Links Information


List of Tributes

Place Name ID Owner Age Killer
1st --
4th Josephine Bartlett 5f Kire 17 Fantasia [unicorn]
5th Mario Mario 6m Zori 17 Julian [unicorn]
6th Dustin Carter 11m Kiah 18 Omryn [moose]
7th Cypria Soranus 1f Kay 18 Omryn [moose]
8th Catamaran Stowe 4f Aya 18 Omryn [moose]
9th Finn Olsen 2m Cass 18 Ralph [Rhino]
10th Vanya McAlister 9f Kaplan 16 Thor [emu]
11th Piper LaCour 12f Zoe 16 Winston [gorilla]
12th Sage Sun1 6f Python 16 Winston [Gorilla]
13th Coal Stone 12m Ryan 16 Thor [Emu]
14th Lumi Cartwright 3f Nyte 13 Thor [Emu]
15th Izaiah Zafiris 7m Rook 16 Serafine [Python]
16th Luella Duval 8f Tom 18 Ljúfvina [Polar bear]
17th Andromache Audacia 2f Cato 18 Thor [Emu]
18th Knox De Sol 1m Pogue 18 Gemma [Alligator]
19th Nieve Villanova de Angelis 7f Briar 12 Gemma [Alligator]
20th Nannete Emsworth 11f Charade 17 Serafine [Python]
21st Auden Wren 3m Ghosty 17 Serafine [Python]
22nd Ander De La Cruz 8m Mattio 18 Gemma [Alligator]
23rd Séui Ngàhn Cheung 10m Shrimp 16 Serafine [Python]
24th Calder Rusolki 4m Griffin 18 Gemma [Alligator]

Death due to inactivity / 24 hour rule / filler.
Tribute's gender does not match Reaping ID.
Denotes a rebel tribute.

1Sage is nonbinary, and uses they/them pronouns


The same Colosseum that was used as the arena for the 2nd and 3rd Hunger Games.






  • For the 4th Games, tributes were not permitted to attack each other and were only permitted to attack mutts. This makes the 4th Hunger Games the first and thus far only games where the victor won without killing any fellow tributes.
  • Coal Stone (District 12 Male), was the first tribute to ever slay a mutt, severing the arm of Grimsby the lion mutt.

Preceded by
3rd Hunger Games
4th Hunger Games
Succeeded by
5th Hunger Games