Tribute Database - Blue Killio

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Just for Fun

Name: Blue Killio
Owner: Breeze
Age: 16
Place: 3
Training Score: 7
Token: Unknown

Victims: Jeremy Houser, Ailia Goodnite
Killer: Arbor Halt
Allies: Jestina Lelborne
Day of Death: 9
Location of Death: The Cornucopia

Synopsis of Games:

Day 1:
- Flees bloodbath
Day 2:
- Gets into a fight with Jestina Lelborne
- Overpowers her, offers her a chance to be allies
Day 3:
- Abandons Jestina, who is then killed by Jared
Day 4:
- Fights with and kills Jeremy Houser
Day 5:
- Rests
Day 6:
- Is the only tribute to not attend the feast
Day 7:
- Fights with Jared and Windy
- Attacks Jared, who kills Windy, but does not manage to kill him
Day 8:
- Fights with Ailia Goodnite and eventually defeats her
Day 9:
- Stays at Cornucopia to fight Arbor and Jared for the finale
- Is attacked by both boys and is overpowered first