Tribute Database - Arbor Halt

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Just for Fun

Name: Arbor Halt
Owner: Aya
Age: 15
Place: 1
Training Score: 3
Token: Rat ring

Victims: Jared Strahan, Blue Killio, Anastasia Estrange, Rocko Hopkins, Iris Brookside, Ruby Georges
Killer: N/A
Allies: Archer Fields, Zinnia Yaren, Ailia Goodnite, Jeremy Houser
Day of Death: N/A
Location of Death: N/A

Synopsis of Games:

Day 1:
- Follows Archer Fields out of Bloodbath
- Archer kills Ralph Hawk to protect Arbor from an assault
- Is lead by Archer to the lake, where Archer kills Oz Myrrh
- Meets up with other allies Ailia, Zinnia, and Jeremy
Day 2:
- Joins Archer and Jeremy in fight against Iris Brookside and Ruby Georges
- Manages to land decent hits and help to kill the girls, despite being blind
Day 3:
- Attacks Colton Brax, along with Ailia and Zinnia
- Joins Ailia and Zinnia in turning on Archer, ultimately leading to the other boy's demise
- Jeremy flees alliance out of fear
Day 4:
- Travels with Zinnia and Ailia to forest, asks for a hat
Day 5:
- Rests
Day 6:
- Charges into feast alongside allies
- Fights primarily with Anastasia Estrange
- Secures spoils of feast with Ailia after Zinnia flees
- Takes leg armor for himself
Day 7:
- Joins Zinnia and Ailia in fighting Rocko Hopkins and Anastasia Estrange
- Lands the killing blow on Rocko, though Anastasia escapes
Day 8:
- Runs into Anastasia for rematch
- Finally defeats her after long fight reveals his mental instability
Day 9:
- Stays at Cornucopia, where Blue Killio and Jared Strahan appear for finale
- Exploits previous animosity between Blue and Jared to kill Blue first before finishing off Jared to win the Games