Tribute Database - Jeremy Houser

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Just for Fun

Name: Jeremy Houser
Owner: Rizzo
Age: 17
Place: 9
Training Score: 7
Token: Unknown

Victims: none
Killer: Blue Killio
Allies: Zinnia Yaren, Ailia Goodnite, Archer Fields, Arbor Halt
Day of Death: 4
Location of Death: The Lake

Synopsis of Games:

Day 1:
- Participates in the Bloodbath and retrieves some items and an axe
- Met up with Archer and verified that they were still allies
Day 2:
- Fights Team 13 (Ruby Georges and Iris Brookside) with the rest of his alliance and wins
Day 3:
- Wants to confess his love to Ailia, but then a fight begins
- Zinnia, Ailia, and Arbor backstab Archer; Jeremy runs away out of fear
Day 4:
- Fights with Blue Killio and is killed