Tribute Database - Windy Mathers

Tools & Widgets

Just for Fun

Name: Windy Mathers
Owner: GreenBeads
Age: 15
Place: 8
Training Score: 4
Token: Unknown

Victims: None
Killer: Jared Strahan
Allies: Prenten Sichian
Day of Death: 7
Location of Death: The Forest

Synopsis of Games:

Day 1:
- Flees bloodbath, looks for her ally
- Gets an apple stolen by Archer Fields
Day 2:
- Returns to Cornucopia
- Sets a trap
Day 3:
- Receives sponsorship items
Day 4:
- Practices using her knife
Day 5:
- Fights Pitfall Lizard; knocks it unconscious with two blows
Day 6:
- Attends Feast; fights primarily with Jared Strahan
Day 7:
- Runs into Jared Strahan again, as well as Blue Killio
- Loses the rematch and her life