Tribute Database - Jared Strahan

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Just for Fun

Name: Jared Strahan
Owner: Lulu
Age: 17
Place: 2
Training Score: 10
Token: String ring

Victims: Jestina Lelborne, Windy Mathers, Zinnia Yaren
Killer: Arbor Halt
Allies: None
Day of Death: 9
Location of Death: The Cornucopia

Synopsis of Games:

Day 1:
- Runs from bloodbath
Day 2:
- Rests in forest
Day 3:
- Fights Jestina Lelborne and Blue Killio in Forest, kills Jestina
- Assailed by Alarm Owls
Day 4:
- Rests on mountain
Day 5:
- Continues to rest
Day 6:
- Fights at feast, targeting primarily Windy Mathers
- Comes out with medical kit
Day 7:
- Fights Windy Mathers and Blue Killio in forest
- Kills Windy
Day 8:
- Fights and kills Zinnia Yaren
Day 9:
- Goes to Cornucopia to fight Blue and Arbor
- Helps Arbor kill Blue, killed by Arbor