Tribute Database - Melanie Clark

Tools & Widgets

Just for Fun

Name: Melanie Clark
Owner: Jimmylost
Age: 18
Place: 4
Training Score: 9
Token: Necklace

Victims: None
Killer: Dru Charlesburg
Allies: None
Day of Death: 6
Location of Death: Island 6

Synopsis of Games:

Day 1:
- Makes it out of the bloodbath with a bow, arrows, and some supplies
Day 2:
- Rests on Island 12, where Autumn Radiata passes by in a raft and calls out to her
Day 3:
- Is assailed by a small flock of three Gobble Gulls, who are after her token
- Kills them all, narrowly escaping with her life
Day 4:
- Is dragged to Island 4 by the hurricane with Argent Melanger, Jango Graves, and Abigale Tenan
- Assists in killing Abigale
- Talks Argent and Jango out of killing her
Day 5:
- Gathers medicinal plants to keep the peace with Argent and Jango
Day 6:
- Flees from the big fight over supplies
- Climbs a tree to stay out of the way
- Is tracked down by Dru Charlesburg after the fighting has subsided, who cuts her out of the tree by severing her leg
- Dies by Dru's hand