Tribute Database - Shanks Kensington

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Just for Fun

Name: Shanks Kensington
Owner: Quint
Age: 13
Place: 5
Training Score: 7
Token: Unknown

Victims: Alba Hauche, Cherry Grace, Argent Melanger
Killer: Aranica Petros
Allies: Dru Charlesburg, Aranica Petros, Argent Melanger, Jango Graves; Carex Julian
Day of Death: 6
Location of Death: Island 6

Synopsis of Games:

Day 1:
- Kills Alba Hauche in the bloodbath
- Acquires the wealth, along with his allies
Day 2:
- Travels to Island 11 with alliance, fights two poisonous pitfall lizards
- Kills one of the lizards; has no part in trying to heal his poisoned allies
Day 3:
- Discusses the possibility of hunting for food with his allies
Day 4:
- Separated from his allies by the hurricane, ends up on Island 8 with Cherry Grace, Carex Julian, and Zanne Mason
- Convinces Cherry and Carex to attack Zanne, who is killed
- Almost manages to kill Cherry before she escapes the fight
- Finds Cherry after and finishes her off
- Forms an alliance with Carex
Day 5:
- Hunts an Avian Swine for food with Carex
Day 6:
- Goads his allies into attacking one another
- Crushes Argent's skull after his allies all turn on him
- Is finished off by a mildly panicked Aranica