Tribute Database - Abigale Tenan

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Just for Fun

Name: Abigale Tenan
Owner: Sapphire
Age: 15
Place: 13
Training Score: 5
Token: Unknown

Victims: None
Killer: Jango Graves
Allies: Sami Hawking, Zanne Mason, Mark Kane, Garrett Vanderbilt
Day of Death: 4
Location of Death: Island 3

Synopsis of Games:

Day 1:
- Escapes bloodbath
Day 2:
- Attacked by a Maneater, an armored shark muttation, during the evening
Day 3:
- Fight with the Maneater spills over into Day 3
Day 4:
- Is dragged to Island 4 by the hurricane with Argent Melanger, Mel Clark, and Jango Graves
- Is killed by Jango