Tribute Database - Anani Petros

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Just for Fun

Name: Anani Petros
Owner: Kevin
Age: 16
Place: 5
Training Score: 5
Token: Acorn rock

Victims: None
Killer: Cerba [Hellhound mutt]
Allies: Topaz Ross, Takeba Suzumi, Nash Harvey; Joshua Rowan
Day of Death: 7
Location of Death: Cornucopia

Synopsis of Games:

Day 1:
- Along with allies, earns the Wealth in the bloodbath
Day 2:
- Fights three sheepish with allies, killing one
Day 3:
- Fights two hellhounds, including the legendary Cerba
- Ditches Takeba after the two of them are abandoned by Topaz and Nash
Day 4:
- Meets up with Luyu Nimmons, Joshua Rowan, and Ember Milan
- Is attacked by Luyu, causing Joshua and Ember to attack her
- The fighting subsides without any deaths
Day 5:
- Anani breaks off with Joshua; the pair rest for the day
Day 6:
- Rests
Day 7:
- Is attacked by woodpeckers, but before they do much damage, Anani is dragged off by Cerba and killed