Tribute Database - Nash Harvey

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Just for Fun

Name: Nash Harvey
Owner: Aya
Age: 18
Place: 4
Training Score: 5
Token: Silver ring

Victims: Clarisse Wilmith
Killer: Topaz Ross
Allies: Topaz Ross, Takeba Suzumi, Anani Petros
Day of Death: 8
Location of Death: Creek

Synopsis of Games:

Day 1:
- Survives bloodbath with minimal damage
- Claims the wealth, along with the rest of her alliance
Day 2:
- Fights three Sheepish along with allies, killing one
- Tends to Topaz's wounds following the fight
Day 3:
- Alliance is attacked by a pair of hellhounds
- Realizing the futility of the fight, accepts Topaz's offer to flee with her and abandons Takeba and Anani
- Sets up camp with Topaz; the pair share a sleeping bag for the night
Day 4:
- Encounters Will Atlas and Clarisse Wilmith
- Kills Clarisse in the resulting fight, but nearly dies before fleeing
Day 5:
- Smashes pumpkins with Topaz
- Is startled into almost accidentally stabbing Topaz, which results in the two kissing
Day 6:
- Rests for the day, sharing a nice moment at the Pillars with Topaz
Day 7:
- Narrowly escapes death when Topaz and Nash are attacked by two Deadly Stallion muttations
Day 8:
- Asks Topaz to kill her
- Gets her request fulfilled