Tribute Database - Joshua Rowan

Tools & Widgets

Just for Fun

Name: Joshua Rowan
Owner: Kitsune
Age: 17
Place: 3
Training Score: 5
Token: Pocket watch

Victims: None
Killer: Takeba Suzumi
Allies: Luyu Nimmons, Ember Milan, Mercury Duval; Anani Petros
Day of Death: 8
Location of Death: Oak Forest

Synopsis of Games:

Day 1:
- Flees bloodbath
Day 2:
- Fights three hyord muttations with alliance; Mercury Duval is killed
Day 3:
- Takes a nap inside the cornucopia
- Is hit by the shoe storm after a day of rest
Day 4:
- Alliance runs into Anani Petros
- Attacks Luyu for attacking Anani
Day 5:
- Breaks away with Anani; the pair rest for the day
Day 6:
- Rests
Day 7:
- Is attacked by woodpeckers, but before they do much damage, Anani is dragged off by Cerba and killed
Day 8:
- Overpowered and killed by Takeba Suzumi