Tribute Database - Seaborgium Storstrand

Tools & Widgets

Just for Fun

Name: Seaborgium Storstrand
Owner: Thundy
Age: 17
Place: 3
Training Score: 6
Token: unknown

Victims: August Millory, Soyala Deliare, Gage Cooper, Dicentra Gambler
Killer: Lethe Turner
Allies: Soyala Delaire, Gage Cooper, Aenor Kembry
Day of Death: 7
Location of Death: Marsh

Synopsis of Games:

Day 1:
- Fights in Bloodbath and kills August Millory.
- Obtains Wealth.
Day 2:
- Fights Dart Jaguars and is poisoned.
- Uses antivenom.
- Abandons his alliance in the night.
Day 3:
- Fails to trap rabbit several times.
- Attacks and kills Ivory Hog.
Day 4:
- Finally manages to trap and kill rabbit.
- Is attacked by and kills Pygmy Cattle.
- Heals self.
Day 5:
- Attacks and kills Soyala Delaire in the Elephant Graveyard.
- Shortly after, finds and kills Gage Cooper as well.
Day 6:
- Kills Dicentra Gambler in the North Desert.
Day 7:
- Fights Lethe Turner in the Marsh and is killed.