Tribute Database - Lethe Turner

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Just for Fun

Name: Lethe Turner
Owner: Rosetta
Age: 18
Place: 1
Training Score: 4
Token: Radish earrings

Victims: Seaborgium Storstrand, Razor Creel
Killer: N/A
Allies: Anya Crider, Saskia Hamilton; Razor Creel
Day of Death: N/A
Location of Death: N/A

Synopsis of Games:

Day 1:
- Survives bloodbath.
- Goes hunting and aids in killing Alikia Lombrary.
Day 2:
- Returns to Cornucopia with Anya Crider to be attacked by Hellhounds.
- Anya dies and Lethe is alone.
Day 3:
- Teams up with Saskia Hamilton and Razor to form a new alliance.
- Fights Hellhounds.
Day 4:
- Fights Digitamoles and, unlike her allies, sustains no damage to the toes.
Day 5:
- Separated from Saskia, Razor and Lethe deal with a Latch Crab attached to Razor.
- Razor and Lethe part.
Day 6:
- Lethe relaxes by the River and befriends a lizard whom she names Camalia.
Day 7:
- Fights Seaborgium Storstrand and kills him, taking his plethora of weapons, securing herself a place in the Finale.
Day 8:
- Finale; kills Razor in the Elephant Graveyard and wins, though she loses an eye to him in the process.