Tribute Database - Denver Samuels

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Just for Fun

Name: Denver Samuels
Owner: South [southspinner2011]
Age: 17
Place: 10
Training Score: 4

Victims: Cassandra Hearsh
Killer: Alexander Hood
Allies: The Bros. [Aesop Bloom, Alexander Hood, Mace Emberstatt]
Day of Death: 4
Location of Death: West Frozen Jungle

Synopsis of Games:

Day 1:
- Survives the bloodbath; claims part of the wealth
- Establishes himself as the leader of the Bros. while divvying up the wealth items
- Bonds quietly with Mace over Aesop’s drug withdrawal
Day 2:
- In the fight that kills Dysis, Denver takes a fair amount of damage
- Cocky swagger still colors his speech
Day 3:
- Follows Aesop; leaves Mace and Alexander; meets up with Sundra where Ember dies
- Fight with hircusxes
Day 4:
- With Aesop, he reunites with Mace and Alexander
- Alexander shares the mushrooms she collected
- They all trip, hard, and in the first random fight, Denver succumbs to his wounds with a severed left arm