Tribute Database - Naida Gardez

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Just for Fun

Name: Naida Gardez
Owner: gxk [galexkatniss]
Age: 15
Place: 7
Training Score: 4

Killer: Alexander Hood
Allies: The Forgotten Ones [Berkeley Ichabod, Dysis Admea]
Day of Death: 5
Location of Death: Tundra

Synopsis of Games:

Day 1:
- Ran from Bloodbath to her allies; relatively unharmed
Day 2:
- In fight with the Bros., Naida passionately defends her allies
Day 3:
- Berkeley and Naida find some respite, but little comfort in each other
Day 4:
- Defeats hellhounds
Day 5:
- After attacking and helping to kill Midas, Alexander, Mace and Sawyer ambush Berkeley and Naida, killing her before she realizes what is happening