Tribute Database - Aesop Bloom

Tools & Widgets

Just for Fun

Name: Aesop Bloom
Owner: Lalia
Age: 17
Place: 2
Training Score: 11
Token: a spinning coin

Victims: James Mocking, Sawyer Monaghan
Killer: Mace Emberstatt
Allies: The Bros. [Denver Samuels, Alexander Hood, Mace Emberstatt], Sundrop [Sundra Wie]
Day of Death: 7
Location of Death: Finale

Synopsis of Games:

Day 1:
- Kills James Mocking in the Bloodbath
- Shares the Wealth with the Bros; establishes himself as going through drug withdrawal
- Meets up with Sundra; gives her a water jug
Day 2:
- Fights FO, helping to kill Dysis
Day 3:
- Aesop and Denver leave the Bros. to find Sundra; helps to kill Ember Hilbrook
- Hallucinates introducing Sundra to his family; gives her his coin in place of a ring
Day 4:
- Trips on shrooms with the Bros., which ends in Denver’s death
- Returns to Sundra; talks to her about their future children; asks her run away with him
Day 5:
- Rest day; honeymoon with Sundra
Day 6:
- Helps to kill Berkeley; comes to Mace and Sawyer’s aid against ninja monkeys
Day 7:
- Tries to save Sundra, and grieves deeply when Sawyer kills her
- Mace kills him by opening his stomach and retrieving the swallowed penny token.