Tribute Database - Berkeley Ichabod

Tools & Widgets

Just for Fun

Name: Berkeley Ichabod
Owner: eastern
Age: 17
Place: 5
Training Score: 6
Token: Mr. Swipey [?]

Victims: Sperring Kapow, Midas Farrow
Killer: Sundra Wie
Allies: The Forgotten Ones [Naida Gardez, Dysis Admea]
Day of Death: 6
Location of Death: Ice Sheet

Synopsis of Games:

Day 1:
- Leaves the Bloodbath badly wounded; killed Sperring; meets up with Dysis and Naida
Day 2:
- The Bros. kill his ally, Dysis, leaving him and Naida together
Day 3:
- Fights FO
- Bonds with Naida
Day 4:
- Uses Mr. Swipey to help kill the hellhounds
Day 5:
- Kills Midas Farrow in a mandated fight by stabbing him in the thigh
- Alexander, Mace and Sawyer ambush them, killing Naida and further wounding Berkley
- Left with no food, he uses Mr. Swipey to severe his own hand... and eats it
Day 6:
- Encounters Aesop, Sundra, and falling penguins
- Sundra kills him