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Gerrard Menderson was the District 3 Male tribute of the 56th Annual Hunger Games.

Gerrard Menderson
D3M of the 56th Hunger Games
District 3
Age 15
Bloodbath Weapon Dagger
Training Score 5
Token N/A
Alliance Team 1378
Killer Takeba Suzumi

played by ella.



Early Life

Gerrard was born to Calvin and Beatrice Menderson in the year of the 41st Hunger Games, and it was clear from a young age that he was different. Diagnosis showed that the reason why he wasn't enthusiastic about life and duty, like his factory-owner parents, was because he had alexithymia, a condition which inhibits regular emotional expression and commonly molds introverts. This mental condition manifested itself within Gerrard in other ways as well, making him become obsessed with fire, which was usually the subject of his vivid and paced dreams. This obsession had actually saved some precious technology in Gerrard's parents' factory by scaring away a band of robbers, when he was five years old, even though it had destroyed another part in the process. Gerrard believed that he was an only child, even though his mother would sometimes mention an older sister. He preferred to spend time on his own due to his alexithymia, seeking out unexplored places in the far parts of the District.

63rd Hunger Games

The Reaping

When Gerrard's name was called, after that of Brigit Switch, he was disappointed by the fact that no one had offered to volunteer for him. This was intensified when two other girls volunteered themselves for Brigit after Gerrard was already on the stage. The first was Luyu Nimmons, a scary-looking girl who all but drowned out the voice of the second, Mahlah Shae. Gerrard's parents wished him a quick good luck in the Justice Building, but seemed to have as much difficulty expressing their sorrow that Gerrard did on a regular basis, and then he was off to the Capitol.

Training Centre

Despite his discomfort when talking to other people, Gerrard managed to socialise in the Training Centre with all the other tributes. On his first day there, when he was registering at the door for the first time, he met Timothy Hearst, Will Atlas and Hermione Easteallas, who he formed an alliance with. The four went into the gymnasium together, now as a group, and discussed which training stations they would spend the most time at and what skills were the most important. At first, Gerrard was cautious of Hermione - for being a lower district tribute - and Timothy - for being a Career - but once he realises that they are both valuable allies he kept them close by. In his Private Training Session, Gerrard steered clear of the firemaking station - knowing that Luyu would make enough fire for both of them and also fearing the devastating effect he could have. He displayed his other combat and survival skills, earning himself a modest 5 out of 12. In this way, he kept a low profile, allowing his higher scoring allies to display the alliance's power.

Bloodbath & Death

Team 1378, as Gerrard's alliance were calling themselves, were first into the Bloodbath, making their way straight for the vital weapons and items cache in the very heart of the Cornucopia, but Gerrard hesitated a moment before joining them. However, this might have been able to explain what came next. As all the other tributes pressed inwards, Gerrard's teammates were trapped, having to attack their way out of the Bloodbath again. As more tributes approached, they all turned on Hermione - the obvious target. The alliance fought back bravely, with Will even managing to plant a fatal blow on Alkin Fletcher, separating his head from his shoulders. Hermione tried to flee, but since her knee was broken she found it too difficult to move. Gerrard tried to help her but tributes were already converging on him. He found first a dagger, then a satchel, and kept fighting, too. Suddenly, Hermione was dead, cut down by Takeba Suzumi. Gerrard was shocked and grief-stricken at the loss of one ally, and wasn't prepared for the blows that the other tributes landed on him - only being able to block one or two. As a result, he was quickly brought to his knees and, in a matter of blows, was dead. Takeba dealt the final attack, cutting his left thigh deeply and then leaving his body in search of more prey.