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Revision as of 17:26, 5 October 2014

Mantel Scoff is a tribute in the 65th Hunger Games. He is notable for having brittle bone disease and calling himself 'The Twig Warrior' as a result.

Mantel Scoff
D10M of the 65th Hunger Games
District 10
Age 13
Weapon(s) Longsword
Training score 4
Token Wooden skull bracelet
Alliance Fairy Thieves
Victims Kyle Jones, Darren Dublin
Place 15
Bio Here

played by Kousei


Early Life

Mantel was a complicated birth. His mother died during child birth, the doctors immediately found he had very weak bones, and noticed the whites in his eyes were rather blue. Those signs showed he had brittle bone disease and his devastated father was immediately told to be careful. His father vowed to take care of the closest thing he had to his dead wife. And so he has and he forever will.

As Mantel grew older he found out the many disadvantages of living in District ten with such a bad disease. District ten was such a poor district, his family lived on a ranch. Mantel could never do any of the work with his dad, he had to stay inside because his bones may have snapped like twigs. Mantel hated not being able to help out, it made him feel useless, weak.

He went to school and was bullied because of his state. People laughed at him, threw stuff at him because he couldn't even lift a chair. He hated school, he just wanted to disappear. He tried to become more noticed, more likable by acting like a class clown, drawing attention to himself. Being funny and sometimes looking like a fool. It worked to a degree, people noticed him. People talked about him. However some kids still bullied him.


When his name was called out he nearly fainted. He stumbled up onto the stage and proceeded to spew his breakfast all over his District partner and his District escort, this led to him being dragged off the stage and into the Justice Building.


Stuff will go in here

The Arena


Mantel entered practically bricking himself. He managed to pick up a longsword which he found difficult to swing around but he eventually managed to, however he showed to have completely no profeciency with it, only missing or lightly scratching it with people as he scooped in items. He repeatedly screamed he was sorry at anyone he did manage to cut and eventually fled after getting a considerable amount of items and practically no injuries.

Day One

He fled the bloodbath with relative ease and the first thing on his mind was to meet up with his ally Siana Felies. He eventually did find her but badly wounded. She was soon quickly attacked by the District three male Jim Mccoy, the District nine male Storm Jay and the District two female Beatrice Birch. The District two male Kyle Jones tried to help his ally while Mantel remained frozen on the spot but Siana was soon stabbed in the stomach and killed by Beatrice. Kyle then went on to take a barrage of attacks from the attackers and ended up severely wounded. Mantel decided he had seen enough enough and decided to run away.

He wandered through the maze a bit more, completely friendless and alone when he stumbled across a severely wounded Kyle and his ally Darren Dublin. Unable to pin Siana's death on himself, he felt an unexplainable wave of anger as Kyle had failed to save Siana (despite the fact Mantel had just stayed there frozen himself) and so Mantel lashed out at Kyle with his longsword. Surprisingly he managed to actually cut Kyle on the back of his head and kill him, leaving Kyle dead on the ground. And then before Darren could react he was ambushed by two more tributes, using this as a distraction Mantel managed to pull himself out of shock, take Kyle's bag and flee from the scene.

Day Two

Mantel experienced extreme guilt over the deaths of Siana and Kyle and had nightmares about the two. He eventually found his way out of the Hedge Maze and found his way into the Redwood Forest, on his way he was given a jar of tar from Mace.

In the redwood forest he encountered Darren Dublin a career tribute all by himself. And to Mantel's surprise and horror he goaded Mantel into attacking him so he did just that. Mantel used his tar to set his blade on fire and struck at the District one boy but like most of his attacks they barely wounded him but he did manage to scald Darren's skin. To Mantel's horror the career tribute produced a huge battle axe and tried to hack Mantel to pieces with it but luckily for Mantel the blows only cut him slightly. Scared but more determined than ever, Mantel attacked the career and to his surprise and horror he managed to separate the career's lower leg from his knee and left him losing a lot of blood. All the while Mantel kept narrowly escaping the worst of Darren's blows. He managed to maim the tribute further by slicing his forearm open and then finished him off by cutting his face open and leaving a huge hole in his cheek, leaving Darren dead.

Mantel was completely racked with guilt over brutally killing Darren but resolved to win or he would've killed the two career for nothing. He collected firewood and fled the area.


>>2-5 sentences about the tribute's death.<<