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== Early Life ==
== Early Life ==
This is a WIP
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== 55th Hunger Games ==
== 55th Hunger Games ==

Revision as of 16:58, 25 June 2018

Cherry Grace is a tribute in the 55th Hunger Games. She is notable for 


Cherry Grace
D5F of the 55th Hunger Games
District 5
Age 14
Weapon(s) insert weapons here
Training Score 4
Alliance Prevailers
Victims Daniel Decatur
Place 11th

played by sunnyian


Early Life

55th Hunger Games

The Reaping

The 55th reaping was rather dramatic. The reaped girl's sister was screaming and coughing up blood. That was probably why Cherry Grace generously volunteered as tribute to defend her district's honor.

The Capitol

After a whole night of bad dreams Cherry went to the Training Center where she met her first ally, Nachele Hale from district eleven. Her other two allies in the Games were Sul Tervish, district one male tribute and Kale Forrest, a male tribute from district twelve.

She also encountered Alba Hache at the First Aid station in the Training Center, but Alba's ally, Daniel Decatur, was staring at her a little bit too intensely, so Cherry felt uncomfortable and left.

Early Games


Day 2


Day 3



Cherry Grace died on the fourth day of the 55th annual Hunger Games. In a fight that occurred on that day, Cherry made a decision to ally with Shanks and attack Zanne, but Shanks wasn't too eager to cooperate with her, mainly because of the mean things she said to Zanne in the beginning of the fight, and attacked her at first. However, Cherry wasn't taken aback by this and kissed Shanks instead of attacking him while continuing to attack Zanne. In the meantime, Carex attacked her, trying to take revenge for Daniel's death. After noticing that he was being ignored, he decided to join others in attacking Zanne. When Zanne died, Shanks attacked Cherry one more time, so the girl fled. Both Shanks and Carex followed her trail, one after another.

She found some water to quench her thirst, but right after she drank it, Shanks Kensington attacked her with his trident, appearing out of the grass. Carex Julian joined him to avenge Daniel. After a short fight, Shanks delivered a final blow, killing Cherry. Before she died, she pulled Carex closer to herself to whisper: "I am Cherry Grace, and I am unstoppable."