Sul Tervish

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Sul Tervish was a tribute in the 55th Hunger Games. He was most notable for being betrayed by his alliance, after his ally Kale Forrest did not get anti-venom, so he took his rage out on Sul.

Sul Tervish
Sul Tervish
D1M of the 55th Hunger Games
District 1
Age 15
Weapon(s) Battle Axe
Training Score 7
Token Necklace
Alliance The Prevailers
Cherry Grace
Kale Forrest
Nachele Hale
Victims N/A
Place 17th

played by Jasik


Early Life

Sul was always an only child. He grew up in district one under the reins of an abusive father, who constantly bashed him. His mother was unreachable most of the time, preferring to stay out of the mess and therefore keeping herself from being bashed up by her husband. However his mother always wanted to help Sul, as little as she could do she tried and for that Sul was always grateful. As Sul grew he entered into career training, this in turn gave him the strength and ability to fight back against his father. But his father would not have it and instead he suffered more brutal and cruel bashing's, to the point where cuts and bruises would cover his skin for weeks. The bashing's become more then a regular occurrence, they were something his father simply enjoyed doing. And soon enough there were days when Sul would have to watch as his mother was bashed as well. At the age of eleven Sul's father mysteriously turned up dead. No one ever found out how or who killed him and Sul never killed. He did not miss his father and he did not care that he would never see him again. There was not a single tear shed in that house.

Without the support of a working man Sul's mother had to begin to work. Sul never wished to have an important job, it was his dream to simply settle down and have a family. And be the father his dad never was.


Mother -- Alive
Father -- Deceased

55th Hunger Games

Sul was a tribute in the first Quell of the site. He was betrayed by his alliance, over a fight about anti-venom.


Sul entered early on in the bloodbath. He began by telling himself he would do well. But after that we saw little action of him. It appeared that Sul stayed away from the action for a good part of the beginning. After his first initial appearance he made no move against anyone and in turn no one attacked him. Then suddenly everyone seemed to realize Sul existed and they were throwing attacks at him. He finally seemed to see that he was in trouble and finally began attacking. Some of his allies had already fled, leaving him and only two others behind. After attacking and managing to scavenge a few items he was forced to leave, as more attacks were headed his way. He ran, calling to his allies to come after him.

Early Games

The first day for Sul was hectic, he was forced to fight off Two Dart Jaguars where he was seriously wounded. Thanks to the venom within the Jaguars teeth he and his ally Kale were both poisoned. Neither of them had anti-venom, but luckily a generous sponsor saved Sul's life. However, the situation began to grow worrisome for the young alliance, as Kale turned on Sul, thinking the career from district one selfish for taking the anti-venom. Kale not wanting to die as a coward chose to end his life as a traitor by taking down Sul with him. And so a bloody little battle began, meanwhile Cherry and Nachele looked on, not helping their comrade as he fought for his life against the rage angry Kale, who seemed unable to be swayed from his path. Sul was confused by the sudden attack, having believed that Kale had been a friend. The surprise attack left him shocked and he could not retaliate quick enough and within moments the fight was over. Sul was killed.

In response to his dying wish Nachele lunged at Kale, killing him, but Kale put in enough fight to attack her as well. There they left the dead bodies of their alliance, fleeing from the chaos.


Sul went down fighting to the end. After some deep wounds he was eventually killed. In his death he begged his allies Cherry Grace and Nachele Hale to kill Kale Forrest as a dying wish. In his dying moments he thinks of Juliana, remember how she had wanted him to come home so much, how she had tried to keep him alive by giving him the anti-venom. And he died, with a laugh in his lips, knowing that the Capitolites would laugh as he begged for help.

Preceded by
Oz Myrrh
District One Male Tribute
55th Hunger Games
Succeeded by
Timothy Hearst