Fionnbharr Stoddard

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Fionnbharr Stoddard is a tribute in the 68th Hunger Games. He is notable for stabbing his own eye out and getting 3rd place in his games.

Fionnbharr Stoddard
D8m of the 68th Hunger Games
District 8
Age 15
Weapon(s) stalagmite spear
Training Score 1
Token paper airplane
Alliance wolfgang
Victims Esme Truus
Stella Calloway
Place 3rd Place

played by Rave


Early Life

Adopted at a young age by a caring technician, Finn grew up energetic and eccentric, but also morally bound by his more cautious brother, Jonas Stoddard. The pair spent most of their time adventuring around the wilderness of district eight and helping whoever they could. This righteousness would turn into Finn's Achilles Heel and his main driving point for entering the games, saving Marshall Abadeer's life. He also got many of his influences from his friends, Sunny and Matilda, who was Marshall's cousin.

68th Hunger Games

Likewise, coming the 68th reaping, Fionnbharr weighted his consciousness of letting Marshall fight or putting himself through it either, sacrificing himself and his innocence in place of his friend.


Finn started off extroverted, trying to create bonds and pacts with fellow tributes such as Barnabas Stroud and Blaire Sycamore, both he had gay baby crushes on. On the train ride over, he found solace and trust in his district partner, Cha Leviane, who he would ally with going into the games, as she reminded him of Matilda. During training, he also spent time learning from the trainers, but the idea of killing scared him; however, Pearl Millison was able to help him through this fear and taught him how to wield weapons. The large shift from citizen to tribute scared Finn during training the most, leaving him to meet up with Stella Calloway near the end of training while hiding in the camouflage station's bushes, whom he grew to find comfort in. Fionnbharr received a one in training, due to throwing up from seeing the aftermath of Cha avoxing herself.

Early Games

Going into the bloodbath, Finn had allied with his district partner, Cha, and Stella, the female tribute from district eleven. The pair from district eight got out nearly unscathed, while Stella was nearly insta'd and had taken few injuries - all of which were tended to by Finn and Cha. The bonded in the corner of the cornucopia's room as the fire died out, sleeping in its chamber as they enter the second day. Starting that day, they were hunted by Blaire's alliance, who were notified by the light of Cha's lamp; however, as the fire went out, two of Blaire's allies fought in the dark and accidentally killed the district four male. Despite this, Finn and his allies still took considerable wounds, with Finn receiving a broken leg in the scuffle. They amended their injuries as best as possible and carried on, Finn and Stella cracking jokes in the dark while Cha tried her best to keep them alive. Sleeping and wonder through the labyrinth halls, paying little to the anthem's boom through the arena.

On the crack of day three, Finn and his allies reunited with Barnabas and Pearl's alliance, fighting with them against the Guardians alliance in the slime room. This relief to find the both of them alive soured quickly as Stella's knife dug into the ear of Kirk Marshall and Barnabas's body soon became bloody and beaten, attacked by the animated slime. The sin of murder caused a fissure in the trust Finn held in Stella and Barny, as his sword ended the life of Animus Valentine.

finn, cha, stella vs july vs ratts woah

july dies from rats crazy !!

Late Games

finns tabbs his own eye out ???

woah all my friends are here!!! except barnabas and blaire bc they're dead !!! stabs esme in the eye wow okay, cave in kills tau

finn tries 2 die, gets saved by stella what a sinner feast!conch fun smh tea party + crippled dancing

"there is no good is there?"

finn kills stella

21q with the conch

is a trash can; ko's self


finn vs galaxy; red = sin hello darkness my old friend the 1v1 of 1000 misses severs her arm bye felicia dies bye felicia @life