Steel Campano

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Steel Campano was the female tribute from District 8 in the 85th Hunger Games. She was notable for her duo alliance with Kenji Nakamura and for flying around the arena with hover-boots after her leg was severed at the knee.

Steel Campano
200px|alt=Steel Campano
D8F of the 85th Hunger Games
District 8
Age 16
Weapon(s) Sword
Training Score 5
Token N/A
Alliance Hunter Gatherer, Sunborn
Victims None
Place 18th

played by Zoë



Steel Campano was born in the year of the 69th Hunger Games. Her father was a factory worker who was killed in the District 8 explosions as a result of the Eyes of Argos plot. She lived with her mother, who was extremely firm with her daughter and constantly expressed her disappointment in her - this caused a further rift in their relationship when Steel's father passed away.

85th Hunger Games


Steel cried on stage when she was reaped with Nikolai Konstantine, half terrified of the games and half relieved that in death she would see her father again. On the train ride to the Capitol, Nikolai did his best to cheer Steel up by attempting to make her laugh. Whilst she kept crying, the gestures did make her feel better and she appreciated her district partner's efforts.

Steel kept to herself in the Training Centre, going into a state of shock for most of the week. She stayed friendly with Niko, and spoke to Kenji Nakamura - asking him why he volunteered.

For her interview, the Capitol stylists straightened Steel's hair - which she expressed her dislikeness of as her natural hair reminded her of her father.

The Bloodbath

Her hover boots malfunctioned and she couldn't quite work out how to wear them, resulting in her accidentally falling over and hitting or tripping up other tributes. She grabbed a few things and half-stumbled, half-hovered out of the Cornucopia.

Early Games

Found a sword in the Gemstone area with the words BE OR BE KILLED engraved into the handle. Met up with Kenji Nakamura, and formed an alliance.

Kenji was "killed" the next day by Untitlted Goose Gang. Got her leg chopped off. Panicked. Cried. Stumbled her way through the arena looking for Kenji after not seeing his face in the sky. Found Niko and Perdita Leto. Fought some mutts. Learned some lessons. Left the group that night to go find Kenji. Managed to get her boots working - hey, she can get around the arena now. Score!

Found Kenji! Almost got into a huge battle but JJ Wolfram crushed Ezra's chest. Dragged Kenji out of there.

Fought a flying mutt bird with Bird and Callum, Kenji killed Bird, bird killed Steel.


Awoke in the catacombs with her leg back on, yay! Found Pisces, hey. Found Daemon, YOU KILLED MY FRIEND PREPARE TO DIE! Died.


  • In the 'in-between', a fictional afterlife for Zoe's tributes, she brought the wind.
Preceded by
Eloise Abramovich
District 8 Female
85th Hunger Games
Succeeded by
Iris O'Nyle