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Jana Grew up in working class District Seven, born an only child in the year of the 46th Hunger Games to a mother and father who were both employed in the lumber industry. When Jana was five years old, her mother died of an undiagnosed illness due to the lack of medical care in their area. She began to spend less time at home, where she lived with her father alone, instead pursuing her more tomboyish impulses and hanging out in the woods with boys her age. In the course of her 15 years, Jana grew to despise the Games and hate the Capitol - but even that couldn't save her from her fate.
Jana Grew up in working class District Seven, born an only child in the year of the 46th Hunger Games to a mother and father who were both employed in the lumber industry. When Jana was five years old, her mother died of an undiagnosed illness due to the lack of medical care in their area. She began to spend less time at home, where she lived with her father alone, instead pursuing her more tomboyish impulses and hanging out in the woods with boys her age. In the course of her 15 years, Jana grew to despise the Games and hate the Capitol - but even that couldn't save her from her fate.
== 62nd Hunger Games ==
== 61st Hunger Games ==
=== The Reaping ===
=== The Reaping ===

Revision as of 05:02, 13 May 2013

Jana Hale was the District 7 Female tribute of the 61st Annual Hunger Games.

Jana Hale
D7F of the 61st Hunger Games
District 7
Age 15
Bloodbath Weapon Switchblade
Training Score 8
Token Wooden bird sculpture
Alliance N/A in Bloodbath, Jana & Killian, FYAYTFC
Killer Silver Siren

played by gxk



Early Life

Jana Grew up in working class District Seven, born an only child in the year of the 46th Hunger Games to a mother and father who were both employed in the lumber industry. When Jana was five years old, her mother died of an undiagnosed illness due to the lack of medical care in their area. She began to spend less time at home, where she lived with her father alone, instead pursuing her more tomboyish impulses and hanging out in the woods with boys her age. In the course of her 15 years, Jana grew to despise the Games and hate the Capitol - but even that couldn't save her from her fate.

61st Hunger Games

The Reaping

At the 61st Reaping in District Seven, Jana was reaped alongside Amadeus Cumberland and accepted her position numbly. After pacing brittly up to the stage, she accepted her position in a quiet voice. However, behind the surface, Jana thought not only about her father, who begged other girls to volunteer for her, but for all her close friends. To Jana, being Reaped was an opportunity for her to prove to her dad that she could make her own choices and be independent, and she knew she would try her hardest to come home again.

Training Centre

Jana kept a low profile in the Training Centre and went about the Training Stations on her own. This may have meant that she was able to concentrate more, taking in the details that other tributes may have missed about survival or combat, but it also meant that when the Bloodbath came she had no allies, and went at it alone. PTS info here. Jana scored a high 8 out of 12 in her Private Training Session, indicating that she should be confident to be going into the arena alone. The night before the Bloodbath, all the tributes gathered in the Dining Room for a "funeral party", but Jana was nowhere to be seen. Perhaps she was taking advantage of a quiet night in her shared apartment, and getting fully rested for the difficult day ahead...


Jana was late off the mark in the Bloodbath, feeling somewhat serene, in contrast to the rest of the adrenaline-charged tributes. By the time she had advanced, running, to the Cornucopia to claim some items, The Countdown Kids were dominating the field and three tributes were already lying dead. She immediately flung herself at Destiny Lenstil, throwing her to the ground and finding a switchblade on the sand as she was getting up. Fearing the wrath of the rest of Destiny's alliance, Jana hurriedly fled the Bloodbath clutching her small weapon, looking for somewhere safer to rest.

Day 1

Jana fled to the Palm Tree Forest, and there ran into Killian Reese. She introduced herself and then offered him first aid, thus initiating their alliance. However, they were quickly ambushed by other tributes, and fled together. Killian, because of a concussion he received when a coconut fell on his head, needed Jana's help to flee and recover, so she played a vital role in saving him on Day One.

Day 2

Although Jana and her ally had retreated back to the now peaceful cornucopia to avoid the tribute who had attacked them the day before, they were found nevertheless. The fight was by no means fair, with Walker, Elon, Jay and Mahlah ganging up against Killian and Jana alone. Luckily for Jana, the four enemies decided to target Killian, leaving Jana ally-less in the aftermath, but unhurt. Jana fled the scene, leaving the bloody and broken body of her one-day ally behind.

Day 3

The tribute didn't travel far that night, staying at the Cornucopia in hope that the other tributes would find each other elsewhere. This turned out to work for Jana, but didn't mean she had a peaceful day. A hellcat muttation found her instead, and Jana knew there was no fleeing until either it or she were dead. Jana flailed her way to success, landing deep blow after deep blow, but taking just as severe bites in return. In a dramatic attack, Jana managed to plant her little switchblade deep into the mutt's eye, sending it straight back to where it came from. Jana joined up with Cyrus Malloc and Pandora Woodards after their ally Nonnie Lyvers was killed, and Jana was relieved to not be alone anymore.

Day 4

By cover of darkness, the newly formed alliance walked from the Cornucopia to the Beach, spending the remainder of the night there. When morning came, they engaged in a fight with the same four tributes who had been seemingly after Jana all along. Although Pandora was gravely wounded, Jana and her alliance managed to kill Walker, sending the other alliance running away. However, it didn't seem like that was the last of their struggles for the day. Out of nowhere, a dreaded latch crab had come crawling up the beach, attaching itself to Pandora's Achilles tendon. The trio knew that the only way of getting rid of it would be to burn it off and take the consequences of igniting its explosive shell. What they didn't expect was the devastating consequence this removal would have, killing Pandora and wounding Jana with the shrapnel. Jana and Cyrus fled, leaving Pandora's remains to wash away into the waves.

Day 5

On the morning of the Fifth Day, an announcement filled the Arena, summoning all the tributes to a feast where vital items would be piled high. Jana and Cyrus had other ideas - fighting a huge, monstrous Kraken muttation in the Ocean seemed less dangerous than going against the other tributes. Jana rushed head on at the Kraken whilst Cyrus hesitated for a second, and she began to deliver a volley of terrible blows on the beast. In return, the Kraken dealt her whip-like blows that left her bleeding and hurting on her limbs and torso. The battle continued, and Cyrus - who was already weak from previous fights - reached his limit and couldn't defend himself against the Kraken anymore. The terrifying mutt cut him down with a swipe from a tentacle, leaving Jana to finish it off by herself. It took only two additional attacks for Jana to reduce the sea monster to sushi. She was heavily wounded, but she had defeated the Kraken nonetheless, and staggered away before anything else, mutt or tribute, could come after her.

Day 6 & Death

After a troubled night's sleep, haunted by Killian, Pan and Cyrus, Jana bathed in the sea the next morning to clean her wounds. It was then that she realised that the shadow on the horizon wasn't just embellishment added by the Gamemakers, but a sunken shipwreck. She swam out to explore, relieved that she didn't encounter any tributes there. Instead, she found a Silver Siren muttation, which didn't seem like a big deal to the Kraken Killer. Her first attack was blocked, the mutt faster than she's expected, and it retaliated with a deep cut to the back of Jana's head. From then on, Jana matched the Silver Siren almost attack for attack - but this wasn't enough to save her. The mutt lashed out one more time, and Jana didn't even have the strength to try and parry its swift tail, and it sliced her neck half open. Jana collapsed in her own blood, the canon fired, and the District Seven girl was no more.