Pandora Woodards

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Pandora Woodards was the District Eight male tribute in the 61st Hunger Games. He placed twelfth.

Pandora Woodards
Tribute in the 61st Hunger Games
District 8
Age 18
Weapon(s) Sword
Training Score 9
Alliance Glitter and Grease, Six Feet Under, Swinging for the Stars, FYAYTFC
Victims Noreen Lyvers

played by rook


Early Life

Pandora was the youngest twin born to two District Eight citizens. Pandora, along with his brother Rubik, were a handful as young babies, however the family managed well until seven years after the birth of the twins. The mother died giving birth to a daughter, who managed to survive the ordeal. She brought Hope to the family that not all would be bad in the shadow of their mother's death, and so she was named Hope.

Their father grew violent in a need to control his life and children, and the twins would often switch places to receive painful punishments. Pandora left school at the age of fifteen to work in a clothing factory, lazy, and with no ambition for the future.



On reaping morning, Pandora remarks on the slight chances of his being reaped, seeing as they do not need to put in extra names for food. He teases his sister, causing her to tug out the pigtails Rubik spent time working on. His twin scolds him, and they head to the reaping. His thought as the names are being called is simply a wish for his sister to remain safe. Relief at the unfamiliar name being called from the girl's bowl is replaced with shock at his own being called. His twin, Rubik, begins to volunteer immediately but Pandora reasons that he should accept his own place. Rubik, being the provider of the family, is needed at home. His last thought as he accepts his place as tribute is that he is going to die.

Training Center

In the Training Center, fellow tribute Destiny Lenstil introduces herself to Pandora. They agree that training is rough, commenting on how there is much to learn in a small space of time - much like cramming for a test. They eat together in the Dining Hall. Later, at the tribute party thrown by Elon Emberstatt, they drink and dance, talking late into the night. They bond, enjoying themselves.


Before his interview, Pandora is scolded by his stylist, Pepper, for touching an expensive fragrance in the dressing room. He is quickly hurried out onto the stage. She reminds him 'not to care' as he leaves, and he assures her that he wont, lying. Thinking about his respect for Ceaser Flickerman, he steps out to greet the famous man himself. He plays a calm, tough angle, answering questions with confidence. He tells Ceaser that he believes the other tributes find him to be a threat due to his physical strength. Blocking out thoughts of his family back home, making a joke about how his brother tried to take his spotlight, and then softening the blow with a heartfelt admission of his inability to live with himself, had he allowed his brother to die for him. He jokes easily with the audience, who react well. It's only when pressed on his relationships back at home that he states that he's never loved anyone, never made friends. His tone becomes more fierce as Ceasar continues to touch on the nerve, and then they move on.

Finally, Ceaser asks if there is anything Pandora wishes to say to his family back home. He responds with, "Yes: Hope, if you find that your toy rabbit is missing a leg, it was all Rubik..." He's greeted with laughter and clapping, before the boy is escorted out.

The 61st Hunger Games

Day One

During the countdown to the bloodbath, Pandora examines his surroundings. He attempts to make a plan, deciding to attempt to get the items he needs and then flee as soon as possible. Believing he's a target, he notes the threats. Jae Moreno is mentioned first, Pandora stating that he believes he could take him out on his way in - perhaps strangling him. He remembers that Klaus Goraviches training score matched his own - the second highest score received that Games. Cyrus Malloc and Stark Harper are also mentioned. Pandora did not wish to harm Elon Emberstatt. His eyes then fell on Destiny Lenstil, and he felt immediate concern for her safety. The gong sounded, and he was immediately attacked by Walker Liggens and Elon Emberstatt, each of whom dealt large amounts of damage in their hits. Pandora ran forward, lunging at Elon simply because he was the closest. He grasped a sword and continued.

Those who were previously attacking him turned on Fallstreak Hayes, however Cyrus attacked. Pandora blocked his blow and managed to flee the Bloodbath without sustaining anymore damage. As he leaves, he wonders what has happened to Destiny, however he cannot locate her amongst the confusion.

Pandora headed to the Palm Tree Forest directly after the Bloodbath, bringing with him his sword. He used first aid upon himself, and is approached by Cyrus, who wished to ally with him. Agreeing, Pandora used first aid for a second time and receives first aid from Cyrus before a new rule was made stating that more than three attacks had to be dealt in a fight before first aid could be used.

Day Two

Cyrus awoke his alliance in the early morning before stumbling upon Countdown Kids, who attacked Fawn. Pandora paniced as the shadows moved around them, attacking. Penelope Libertine, Destiny Lenstil and Klaus Goravich all attacked Fawn while Cyrus, Noreen and Pandora watched. He overheared Destiny say, “Do what you want, but just know that I will not attack the District Eight boy.”

Pandora became a barricade for Noreen and Cyrus as the powerful alliance finished off Fawn. Bravely, he spread out his arms to protect them. He spoke to Destiny, challenging her words.

"Do what you want, but just know that I will not attack the District Eight boy. Surely I'm more than just a number to you, Destiny...but really, if they can do what they want, then I must mean nothing to you... So, by all means..." He tossed his sword to his ally before moving forward and completing his sentence. "Strike me down." At this, Destiny told him not to test her patience, before breaking down and apologising non-specifically. Cyrus then attempted to be the 'angel of mercy' and kill Fawn, but he missed.

She died anyway, as a result of her wounds.

Day Three

On the second day, Pandora returned with Noreen and Cyrus to the Cornucopia, where they met with SIAHL. The opposing alliance attacked Noreen right away, and Pandora jumped forward in her defence, demanding that Walker pick on someone his own size. He severed Walker's ear, feeling great satisfaction in the deed. Pandora ran toward his fallen ally, losing his balance and yet still brining down his sword upon her neck neatly. He apologised, shocked and unable to move, completely surprised that he had just slain his own ally. He apparently wished to take back the deed, begging her to stay with him. Mahlah Shae lunged toward Pandora, afraid that he would injure Elon. This was followed by attack with each of other three members of SIAHL.

Cyrus begged Pandora to leave Noreen's body, insisting that they could make it. Sure that he would be hated by her District, Pandora left, accepting first aid from his remaining ally and performing it on himself to cure some of his wounds.

Day Four

On their fourth day in the arena, Pandora, Jana and Cyrus met with SIAHL again, this time on the beach. The previous night, Pandora and Cyrus stayed up late, talking. Feeling hollow and furious at himself and the world, Pandora desperately pled with Cyrus to get away from him. He was disgusted at the slight flicker of pleasure he felt while slaying the mother of twins, when his own mother's death had destroyed his family. Cyrus refused, pledging to be there for him. He told Cyrus about himself - his family, his middle name. The following morning, the entire SIAHL alliance attacks him, and he retaliates readily, slashing his rapier somewhat feebly at Walker's throat.

Pandora tried to insist that his allies run for their lives, but they refused. The attacks continued, until Sebastian the Latch Crab attached himself to Cyrus' left foot. He decided to attempt to burn it off, causing an explosion which finished Pandora off. Just before his death, his mind fills with flashbacks of his family, the lead-up to the Games, and the past few days. Finally, he decided that Pandora Woodards can love, after all. He tells Cyrus to go, that he'll catch up, knowing this to be a lie. Walker Liggins also dies.

Preceded by
Shrol Raiden
District Eight Male Tribute
61st Hunger Games
Succeeded by
Bran Wolfe