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== Early Life ==
== Early Life ==
Ares was raised like most careers in District two. He was part of the Pine family and closely related to the Birch family. He trained to be a career from a very young age, he would always hurt the other trainees and grew up being very intimidating. Unlike most careers he didn't desperately compete for the attention and approval of his parents. On the contrary, he kind of disliked his parents because they were both so hard on him and constantly kept pushing him to the limit. So in a way he wanted to thank them as well but there was still some resentment mixed in. He would always watch the games, seeing how tributes fought and realized he desperately wanted to be in the games. This was a huge factor leading him to volunteer for the games.
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===Day Three===
===Day Three===
The group stayed in the water area and the Gamemakers sent three [[cling rays]] to keep them occupied for the day. Ares once again proves his prowess with his katana and slashes the clingray really deeply, killing it with one blow. He then proceeds to block the other cling ray's retaliation attack with his blade. Ares then pisses on the clingray corpse as a joke which Argonite definitely found particularly funny and the group flees, the only one sustaining proper injuries being Argonite who was stung quite badly by the cling ray when it slashed his bicep but he was easily healed.  
The group stayed in the water area and the Gamemakers sent three [[Muttations#Cling_Rays|Cling Rays]] to keep them occupied for the day. Ares once again proves his prowess with his katana and slashes the clingray really deeply, killing it with one blow. He then proceeds to block the other cling ray's retaliation attack with his blade. Ares then pisses on the clingray corpse as a joke which Argonite definitely found particularly funny and the group flees, the only one sustaining proper injuries being Argonite who was stung quite badly by the cling ray when it slashed his bicep but he was easily healed.  
Ares and Argonite bond some more by joking around and throwing the piss soaked clingray corpse at each other.
Ares and Argonite bond some more by joking around and throwing the piss soaked clingray corpse at each other.
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[[Category:66th Hunger Games]]
[[Category:66th Hunger Games]]
[[Category:District 2 Tributes]]
[[Category:District 2 Males]]
[[Category:8th Place Tributes]]
[[Category:8th Place Tributes]]

Latest revision as of 03:51, 10 March 2019

Ares Pine is a tribute in the 66th Hunger Games. He is well known for being a truly vicious career and betraying two of his allies.

Ares Pine
Ares Pine.png
D2M of the 66th Hunger Games
District 2
Age 18
Weapon(s) Sword, Flail
Training Score 2
Token None
Alliance The White Lotus, xoxo
Victims Argonite Shore
Place 8th
Bio http://hungergamesrpg.com/thread/63468/ares-pine-d2

played by Cato


Early Life

Ares was raised like most careers in District two. He was part of the Pine family and closely related to the Birch family. He trained to be a career from a very young age, he would always hurt the other trainees and grew up being very intimidating. Unlike most careers he didn't desperately compete for the attention and approval of his parents. On the contrary, he kind of disliked his parents because they were both so hard on him and constantly kept pushing him to the limit. So in a way he wanted to thank them as well but there was still some resentment mixed in. He would always watch the games, seeing how tributes fought and realized he desperately wanted to be in the games. This was a huge factor leading him to volunteer for the games.


Ares was always desperate to be reaped into the Hunger Games. It was his last year and he already knew he'd be entering the games, reaped or not. When Brin Griffin's name was called out he felt so much anger but he already knew what he would do. He volunteered to go into the games despite the fact his cousin Hannah McEwen had volunteered as well. So together they would go into the sixty-sixth games.


Ares entered the training centre with clear intentions to establish himself as a threat. He began doing push-ups on a mat because he didn't want to waste his time with what he perceived as a pathetic crop of tributes. And then out of nowhere Marry Ellen Goulding put her weight on his back, challenging him to do push-ups with her sitting on top of him, clearly trying to provoke him. He did the push ups but was still furious that she even thought of interrupting him in the middle of his push ups and threatened her. However, she was not intimidated and still challenged him despite him being a career. Feeling annoyed that she's made him second guess himself, he leaves the training centre and goes to the rooftop. She followed him to the roof and they proceeded to have a sexual encounter on the rooftop.

Somewhere along the way Ares and Mary Ellen formed an alliance with Mizar Roxen the District Four female (an fellow volunteer like him) and Henry Fleet the male from District Seven, they were a quite dysfunctional alliance, Ares and Mizar hated each others guts and wanted to kill each other, while Ares and Marry Ellen had a complicated relationship.


Despite being shocked and angered at his very low training score, Ares was still very confident he was still a main contender for the games. During his interview he played the confident and brutal careers angle which impressed the audience. He constantly found a way to relate most of his answers back to training, weapons or killing which the Capitol audience soaked up like a sponge. He was clearly going to be a feared contender and felt his interview went really well.

The Arena


Ares entered the bloodbath confident and brimming with anticipation, happy that all his training would pay off. His alliance got into a quick scuffle with Argonite Shore, Francesca Levroux, Magenta Ryker and his cousin Hannah. Ares managed to break the Francesca's hand with his bare hands, showing his great physical prowess so early and picking up a flail to fight with. He once again, left a deep mark on the female career by gashing her chest with the flail before fleeing the bloodbath completely safe and unharmed.

Day One

The four tributes escaped the bloodbath into the Earth area where they found Mary Ellen to be severely injured from the scuffle they had with the other group in the bloodbath. Ares was very surprise to find his alliance members had survived as he regarded them as being really weak and stupid. Henry gives Ares a katana he got from the bloodbath so Ares sees no need for his flail and gives it to Mizar. Upon realized how badly injured Mary Ellen was him and his allies try their best to heal her up to the best of their ability with their limited supplies. Ares decided their group would really do with food so he goes to gather edible and medicinal plants, however the vines on the plants reveal themselves to be Game Maker controlled and viscously ensnare him so he cannot move.

Unfortunately for the alliance, they are found by the group they initially had the fight with at the bloodbath with Anni Dorst, separated from her ally, also happening to be there. They are attacked before they even realize what's going on. Luckily for Ares, instead of attacking him they attack Mary Ellen, Hannah manages to land the killing blow to Mary by severing her right hand at the risk. The group of attackers then leave the scene, leaving Ares (who is still trapped by vines), Henry and Mizar very surprised and confused.

Unfortunately for Ares and Mizar, Henry has one of his episodes and turns into Hades. His uncontrollable rage at Mary Ellen's death is aimed at Mizar and he swings at her with his axe. Ares cannot do anything as Mizar fights back, managing to break Hades' wrist but Hades continues to fight on despite having his right wrist broken by Mizar's flail. This only really serves to intensify Hades' attack as he then severs Mizar's right hand at her wrist. Missing a hand and losing a lot of blood, Mizar tries to swing her heavy flail but only continues to miss while Hades slowly lacerates her to death with his axe and takes her items.

Hades then turned his attention onto the ensnared Ares and slices his arm with his axe. Ares would've surely died had it not been for Argonite and Hannah (Ares' cousin) coming back to attack Hades and drive him away, leaving Ares hurt but alive. However, them coming back only seemed to cause more chaos as the three of them are found by the Aetherians, the powerhouse alliance, consisting of Colgate O'Leary, Claude Aeger, Lyric Woulf and Savannah Carey with the addition of Ari Newton and Moss Ross who all attack Hannah and kill Ares' cousin right in front of him as he's helpless to do anything but watch and he struggles to comprehend the fact he just watched her die.

Francesca and Magenta returned to find that Hannah is dead. The group allowed Ares to join them, giving Ares more of a chance of surviving and a new, more functional alliance.

Day Two

Ares started to feel guilt about not being able to do anything about his cousin being killed but does his best to push it down and not distract him from his games performance. The vines eventually released him and him and his new group begin to make their way through the arena and to their relief eventually find a water source. More specifically, the water area which is basically a bunch of island like beaches. However, they don't have time to feel relieved because the Game makers send two giant moles to attack them. Ares proved his prowess with the katana by attacking one of the moles and leaving a deep gash on it's forearm, weakening it. However, one of the moles returned the favour by slicing his forearm. Before anything else can happen Argonite cuts deep into the first mole's cheek, killing it which impresses Ares. The group manage to escape the remaining mutt with minimal injuries.

Ares and his group bond over healing from the fight and splashing around in the water. They genuinely had fun that day. Notably, Ares did his best to heal Argonite by urinating on him.

Day Three

The group stayed in the water area and the Gamemakers sent three Cling Rays to keep them occupied for the day. Ares once again proves his prowess with his katana and slashes the clingray really deeply, killing it with one blow. He then proceeds to block the other cling ray's retaliation attack with his blade. Ares then pisses on the clingray corpse as a joke which Argonite definitely found particularly funny and the group flees, the only one sustaining proper injuries being Argonite who was stung quite badly by the cling ray when it slashed his bicep but he was easily healed.

Ares and Argonite bond some more by joking around and throwing the piss soaked clingray corpse at each other.

Day Four

The stay in the water area for day 4. Ares grows increasingly thirsty for blood and violence and he gets his wish when the Aetherians consisting of Colgate, Lyric, Savannah and Claude find them. They immediately engage with each other, each of them wanting to kill the other. However, the Aetherians clearly had the advantage as they have armour from the wealth they had previously earned and hadn't taken much damage at all during the previous days. Ares lights his katanna on fire with a jar of tar he had previously been sponsored. Magenta received a brutal axe in the arm from Colgate which impeded her ability to leave deep wounds on her attackers. Ares refused to have more allies die on his watch and severs Savannah's entire right arm. However, this doesn't stop her from severing half of Argonite's left arm at the elbow. Claude only makes things worse when he severs Argonite's right ear. Lyric then ends the barrage by stabbing Magenta in the back which ends her life. Francesca can only shout at the powerhouse alliance and call them all monsters. They realize that their a tribute down and Argonite is bleeding profusely from his wounds and they ultimately have to flee the almost unstoppable powerhouse alliance.

Ares and Francesca do their best to heal Argonite. Despite this, he struggles to cope with the loss of Magenta and he ultimately abandons the group, leaving Ares and Francesca with no one but each other.

Day Five

Ares was deeply hurt and angered at the fact Argonite abandoned them. Him and Francesca find their way back to the Earth area where they run into non other than Argonite Shore and Moss Rose. The very sight of Argonite fills Ares with rage and he lights his katana on fire and impales Argonite through the bicep despite the protests of Francesca. Francesca attacks Argonite's second attacker (Moss) with her flaming glaive. With the help of Argonite, Francesca manages to kill Moss. However, Ares, still blinded with rage at Argonite's betrayal, drives his katana through Argonite's left eye socket, fatally wounding him. Without a second thought Ares ran away only to return a few moments later.

Ares saw what he had done he instantly began to feel regret and guilt over it as he stared at Argonite's dying state. He stated that he never meant for anything for any of it to happen as tears welled in his eyes. This only serves to anger Francesca and she attacks him with her glaive but it barely even wounds him. Despite Argonite weakly begging them not to fight any more, Ares retaliates and severs her left ear. Francesca doesn't retaliate out of pure respect for Argonite and she promises to give Ares a death nothing more than torture. She runs away, leaving Ares and the dying Argonite alone.

Day Six

Ares and Francesca found each other again but didn't fight each other. Instead they made it to the cornucopia and are attacked by two giant moles. They both attack one of the moles. Ares manages to gash it's bicep and Francesca manages to land the killing blow by removing its entire arm. However, all of that isn't enough to stop the second mole from stabbing Ares in the arm and leave him stunned, unable to run away or attack. Luckily, Francesca stays with him and keeps it from doing any more damage and they flee from the mole together where Ares gets patched up.

Day Seven

Ares and Francesca venture to the fire area where there is a large volcano. Ares realizes that it's the final eight and there can only be one winner. Without Argonite he feels his bloodlust creeping up again, all of this leads him to light his katana on fire and literally stab Francesca in the back, burning her severely and leaving a horrible gash.


Francesca realized she had been betrayed and turns on Ares. She practically ranted at Ares, saying that he killed her best friend and that they should have killed him on day one instead of letting him join them and calls him a coward before attacking him. Ares didn't see his former ally as much of a threat so brushed her off as an easy kill. However, to Ares' surprise her glaive is stabbed clean through his neck and he falls to the ground, unable to stand the fatal wound and begins chocking on his own blood. He lays there, reflecting on the fact he killed Argonite and the fact that he shouldn't have killed Argonite. He reflects on the fact that none of his family came to visit him in the justice building and wonders if they'll even care that he's about to die. Eventually, the career from District Two drowns in his own blood and dies, full of regrets and silent questions.