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Zoë is a former RP Tutor and current Veteran Member on HGRPG. She is mostly known for being a real-life kiwi bird and victor of the 65th Hunger Games in which she won with Saffron Lowe.

Actual picture of Zoë
Username iZoe
Nicknames Zo, Zozo, Kiwi, Zotho
Location New Zealand
Noteable Achievements RP Tutor, 65th Victor

HGRPG Profile

Site History

Zoë joined the site on New Years Eve 2011, because she had no social life and what else would a 15 year old be doing on New Years Eve except aimlessly scrolling through the internet. She happened on the site by chance, mid-way through reading Catching Fire, on a visit to her aunt and uncle's home since the holiday house she was staying at didn't have wifi and she was starting to get withdrawals. Bleary-eyed and sleep-deprived, she signed up immediately at 3am and fell asleep with her laptop still open. Upon waking up, she spent the whole day working on her first character - only taking a break to go feed alpacas. #farmlife

Swearing she would never make more than 10 active characters at once (ha), Zoë jumped into the world of HGRPG. A few cliche characters and embarrassing thread later, someone decided it would be a good idea to hire her for staff at the ripe old account age of 5 months. Joining the Roleplay tutors in May 2012, Zoë continued to stay active both ic and ooc on the site. In August 2012, she was reaped for her first Games (the 62nd) as D8F Aria Wolfe. After coming 3rd in the 62nd, Zoë somehow managed stumble her way through her second games and ended up winning. Sheer dumb luck is rumoured to be the cause, but it might also be due to her alliance and friendship with 61st Victor Clover throughout the games. I'd bet on the dumb luck.

Claiming many a Ratmas Superlative throughout her years for Most Misses, Ditziest, Unluckist, Most Easily Confused, and Most Likely to Roll a Shallow Cut, Zoë eventually regained herself (and coincidentally finished high school) and got her shit together, claiming a few more positive awards such as Best Templates, and Best FCs for two years running. She continued to work on staff as a RP Tutor and was in charge of the Staff Graphics Team until her retirement in November 2018. Rejoining the community in March 2019 and starting fresh with her characters, Zoë is somehow still a relentless character whore. She became a Veteran Member in June 2019.

Fun Facts

  • Zoë has more characters than she'd like to admit.
  • She can juggle.
  • Can be found complaining and probably drinking milk and/or energy drink.
  • Her site twin is Tristen.
  • Speaking of twins, she shares a birthday with Arx due to timezones overlapping each-other.
  • Despite living on the other side of the world, Zoë has managed to meet 9 HGRPG members. She looks forward to hitting double-digits!

Zoë's Tributes

Games Name Place ID Age
62nd Aria Wolfe 3rd 8f 15
65th Saffron Lowe 1st 10f 14
67th Tiger Chautin 16th 2f 16
70th Rowan Combe 23rd 7f 17
72nd Timothy Feldon 19th 9m 17
74th Samira Hart 5th 5f 18
75th Scarlett Stroms 35th 10f 17
76th Glacia Eon 14th 9f 16
77th Quillon Blackfare 21st 9m 18
79th Wynter Rochelle 18th 2f 17